复合面料资讯 第2680页
三层复合面料的英文如何说啊?复合面料的英文是:“Lamination Fabric”“Soft Shell Fabric”,“Three-dimensional composite fabric” 复合面料网上有所有的复合方面的英文,你可以具体对照,参考。[双面针织布+海绵+摇粒绒三层复合面料] [二层复合面料和三层复合面料的性能对比] [三层复合面料的产品特性和用途] [二层和三层复合面料的区别] [三层复合面料设计成流行]...
风衣、国防及医疗设备起到防风、防雨、抗寒、保暖透气性好等特点一般称会呼吸的面科。英文翻译如下:Windbreaker, defense and medical equipment to play wind, rain, cold, warmth and good permeability characteristics of the area commonly known as breathing subjects....
对内衣和鞋子、手套、同样起到耐磨、透气性好、手感好、等特点是二十一世纪材料之主流。英文翻译如下:On the underwear and shoes, gloves, wear the same play, permeability, and feel good, and so is the mainstream of the twenty-first century materials....
在严冬季节,广泛的应用在滑雪衣、防寒夹克、手套、帽子等,除此之外耐候性佳、环保无毒可回收及分解。英文翻译如下:In the winter season, widely used in ski clothing, cold-proof jackets, gloves, hats, etc. In addition to good weather resistance, environmental non-toxic recyclable and decompose....
贴合温度视所用接著剂性质而定(如水性或溶剂型),温度过高进会产生肉眼无法查觉的微孔而导致防水度(耐水压)降低英文翻译如下:Laminating temperature depending on the nature of the use of adhesive (such as water or solvent), the temperature is too high into the naked eye can not produce the perceived degree of pore water...
下列几种洗涤方式会造成薄膜的劣化,请在服饰洗标上特别标示,英文翻译如下:The following types of washing will cause the deterioration of film, please wash clothes marked with the special label...
可用洗衣机水洗,但洗涤温度勿超过40℃ , 英文翻译如下:
可用洗衣机水洗,但洗涤温度勿超过40℃ , 英文翻译如下:Free washing machine washing, but washing temperature should not exceed 40 ℃...
可用烘衣机烘干,但请使用低温烘干设定并确定清洁剂已冲洗干净,英文翻译如下:Available dryers drying, but use low-temperature drying has been set and to determine detergent rinse...
不建议用任何有机溶剂干洗。英文翻译如下:Does not recommend any organic solvent with dry cleaning...
漂白水、消毒水或少部份清洁剂会造成透湿膜的物性强度降低。英文翻译如下:Bleach, disinfectant cleaner or less will cause some moisture permeable membrane decreased physical strength...