复合面料资讯 第2679页
靠垫是由sunbrella织物面料是一种具有防水材料,防止发霉也不会褪色。英文翻译如下:Cushions are made of sunbrella fabric which is a water repellant material, prevents mildew and it won't fade....
面料含量:50%棉,50%涤纶;隐藏透雨垫和防水衬里:100%涤纶。英文翻译如下:Fabric content: 50% cotton, 50% polyester; hidden soaker pad and waterproof lining: 100% polyester....
具有高弹性,适用于具有高弹性面料上(泳装、健美服装、防水尼龙等)。英文翻译如下:High flexibility, suitable for the high flexibility material like swimming costume, exercise clothes, waterproof nylon etc....
面料增加纳米防水剂整理后,羊毛成衣在保持良好吸湿排汗的同时,防风、防水功效大大增强。英文翻译如下:Fabrics after adding nano water repellent finishing, wool coat maintains the good wicking, meanwhile its windproof and waterproof effect both greatly enhanced....
中高档手术衣,手术面料,医用包布等颜色有客户选定,防水、隔菌、透气。英文翻译如下:The best fabric for making middle and high performance clothing such as surgical clothes, surgical kit etc, water proof, shield bacteria, excellent ventilation....
商品特性:十分盛行的横版样式,复杂大方的乐谱图案,双面印花工艺,唱工精巧,帆布面料外套一层通明软胶,易于打理和防水功用。英文翻译如下:Product features: the horizontal version of a very popular style, the music is simple and generous design, double-sided printing technology, superb craftsmanship and a transparent coat soft...
用于鞋帽、服装等行业对海绵、布料、EVA、人造革、人造棉、纸板等料的复合,一次性自动上浆贴合、烘干。英文翻译如下:It is used to apply glue to dry sponge, cloth, EVA, leather and imitation leather, dry....
一种服装面料, 特别是一种适合运动服装使用的复合面料.英文翻译如下:
一种服装面料, 特别是一种适合运动服装使用的复合面料.英文翻译如下:Garment material, especially a compound fabric suitable for sport garment . The fabric comprises three layers....
开发出薄型的热湿舒适性好的细旦丙纶复合针织面料,且已投入使用.英文翻译如下:In this research a thin thermohydrocomfortable compound knitted fabric made up of microfilpolyprpylene has been developed....
火焰复合产品:鹿皮绒、牛仔布、灯芯绒等与羊羔绒、摇粒绒、长毛绒等复合。英文翻译如下:Flame composite product: suede, denim, corduroy and cashmere, fleece, plush and other compound....