复合面料资讯 第2684页
以前大多数防水,透气运动服的配置包括一个2层的涂层面料和衬里的组合或3层复合材料。英文翻译如下:Previously most waterproof, breathable activewear configurations consisted of a 2-layer coated fabric and lining combination or a 3-layer laminated material....
摘要测试了大豆蛋白复合纤维针织物与棉针织物物理性能,同时对其针织内衣进行了穿着对比实验,并主观评价了两种面料的穿着舒适性能。英文翻译如下:The physical properties of the knitted fabric made of soybean protein composite fiber and cotton are tested, wear comparison testing on knitted underwear is made, and the wear comfortabili...
涂膜机采用平膜挤出法生产各种复合布。英文翻译如下:Scribble membrane machine adopts flat membrane pushing out method to produce various compound cloths....
复合土工布防渗技术在七里河蓄水工程中的应用。英文翻译如下:Application of composite geotextile for seepage preventionn in construction of qilihe water storage works....
本公司生产服装面料,鞋用材料,圈绒,复合布,网布,针织绒等多种面料。英文翻译如下:The company produced fabric, shoe materials, quanrong, fuge bu, mesh, a variety of knitted fabrics rongdeng....
用该树脂体系可湿法制作复合材料预浸布,其玻璃布复合材料在力学性能和耐湿热性能上可达到国外同类产品的水平。英文翻译如下:With this resin curing system, a pre-impregnating was obtained and the glass clothing composite had good mechanical properties and moisture resistance as the same product of abroad....
公司是华东地区规模大,设备先进的丙纶纺粘非织造布和sms纺熔复合非织造布生产企业。英文翻译如下:company is the largest and most advanced enterprise in east china, which produces pp spunbond nonwovens and sms composite nonwovens....
平纹复合纸:是将牛皮纸和编织布材复合而制成的不同强度,规格的新型金属包装材料。英文翻译如下:Comples paper of plain weave: compound kraft paper and resin material but different intensity that become, new-type metal wrappings of the specification....
供应木桨复合擦拭布。英文翻译如下:The supply of wood pulp composite cloth....
涂膜编织布:是将牛皮纸和编织布材复合而制成的不同强度,规格的新型金属包装材料。英文翻译如下:Apply the membrane and weave the cloth: weave cloth and resin material compound but different intensity that become, new-type metal wrappings of the specification....